Truly Works.
I don’t want this pillow. I want my big puffy, gooey, soft down pillow BUT my neck disagrees. I was having C3 issues; no pain but tinnitus, neck clicking, rotation issues, weird eye stuff, etc. Multiple chiros, pt’s, mri’s, x-rays, showed nothing much or offered much help. I do tons of prescribed neck exercises, work on my posture, move my body a lot, align while using technology, etc. The only real relief I found was from cranial sacral work.
I was trying to sew my perfect millet and buckwheat pillow because a structured neck position while sleeping did seem to help. A purchased square pillow of these substances moves too much through the night and I wake to swap out because it becomes too "hard" if that makes sense? Out of desperation, I searched cervical pillow and Kaunda popped up. I thought why not; a 60 day guarantee and made in Korea, it must work ;)
I opted for the newest Primo Air because I like softer. First night I was like heck-to-the-no but I persevered. Second night, same…BUT third, fourth, fifth and I’m in it to win it! I literally wake up feeling better, calmer. I have a “miniature dowagers hump” forming and the first couple nights the little wing thing really pressed on it (not painful, just pressure) but now, by night fifth, the pressure actually feels good and I swear it is less prominent. When I wake up I am able to do my PT exercises for the tiny scalene muscles because my neck is supported better than the contraption I was given. I am really…