Benefits of Deep Sleep and Role of Kanuda - Kanudausa
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Benefits of Deep Sleep and Role of Kanuda

A decent amount of quality sleep is vital to your physical and mental wellbeing, and deep sleep can help you recover in more ways than you can imagine. This sleeping phase can also strengthen your immune system as well memories.

According to research, deep sleep helps cleanse your brain of harmful toxins.  While experts cannot explain that sleep is so vital for us, they know that lack of deep sleep can cause physical and mental issues, including depression, diabetes, and heart disease.

What is Deep Sleep

There are basically two types of sleep which are 

  • Rapid eye movement (REM)
  • Non-rapid Eye movement (NREM)

You transition in and out of the REM and NREM phase approximately every 90 minutes during sleep. This can happen as many as five times during a single night. Deep sleep is the third stage of the NREM phase and is also known as slow-wave sleep (SWS) or N3.

You will experience N3 during the first half of the night, and it will be really hard for anyone to wake you up. However, if you wake up during this phase, you will feel disoriented and confused, which is known as sleep inertia.

During deep sleep, several of your brain and body waves slowdown including the following

  • Your breathing and heartbeat slow down
  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Your body muscles will relax
  • You will respond less to any external stimuli such as noises etc.
  • Your brain wave alters.

Hours of Deep Sleep Required

While adults need to sleep at least 7 to 9 hours every night, it is the quality of sleep that matters the most. That said, you spend 75 percent of your sleep in an NREM phase and the rest of the 25 percent in the REM phase.

According to research, around 13 to 23 percent of your sleep is deep sleep.

As you age, the quantity of deep sleep decreases. If you are someone under 30 years of age, you may experience 2 hours of deep sleep every night. On the other hand, a 65-year-old may only experience 30 minutes of deep sleep every night, and in some cases, none at all.

Although it is not a prerequisite to having good sleep, deep sleep does promote development and growth in younger people. Older people need it too, but not necessarily for the same reason.

Not getting enough quality sleep can cause heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and stroke.  Other issues associated with the deep sleep phase include night terrors, sleepwalking, and bedwetting, and sleep eating.

Benefits of Deep Sleep

As you drift into a deep sleep phase, it increases the glucose metabolism in your brain. This is vital to support both long-term and short-term memory as well as overall learning abilities.

During this phase, your pituitary glands also secrete some of the essential hormones in your body, including human growth hormones. This leads to improved development and growth of your body. That is not all, as deep sleep offers other benefits such as

  • Cell regeneration
  • Energy restoration
  • Increased blood supply to your muscles
  • Promoting growth and/or repair of your bones and tissues
  • Strengthening of your immune system

How to Improve Your Chances for a Deep Sleep

You can develop several habits over time to help you enjoy a good amount of deep sleep every night. Here are some of the healthiest ways to make this possible.

  • Working our regularly – exercising on a daily basis can be beneficial to get a good night's sleep. People who work out fall asleep faster compared to those who do not have any exercise regime as a part of their daily routine.
  • Eating Healthy – a healthy diet not only helps with weight loss but also improves the quality of your sleep. Taking a fiber-based diet can increase the time you spent in a deep sleep stage.
  • Creating Relaxing Bedtime Routine - the stress of work and spending time socializing with family and friends can sometimes make it difficult for you to shut down when you hit the pillow. Therefore, you must develop a bedtime routine to help your body relax while curbing away any looming anxiety. The bedtime routine can be anywhere between half an hour to 60 minutes. However, the key is to be consistent with it. This will enable your mind to associate this routine with sleeping, and you will learn to fall asleep quicker.
  • Investing in mattress and pillow – your bedding environment, including mattresses and pillows, can be one of the deciding factors how relaxed you feel in bed. A decent pillow will provide ample comfort and support to your head, neck, shoulders, and spine. In contrast, a wrong pillow will cause physical discomfort that will translate into uneasiness throughout the night and leave to tossing and twisting in bed all night long.

How Kanuda Can Help with Deep Sleep

A Kanuda C4 orthopedic pillow is an innovative sleeping tech that can help reduce bodily discomfort while you try to fall into a deep sleep. The design itself uses a patented technology that can help you sleep better at night.

sleeping on kanuda

Approved by FDA/CE and endorsed by the Korean Physical Therapy Association, Kanuda pillow is the first of its kind to offer physiotherapy benefits to relieve any back, neck, and shoulder pain. This can help induce decent sleep that can improve the time you spend in a deep sleep stage.

Whether it is the physical discomfort or mental anxiety of a hectic day, Kanuda can help your body and mind relax and drift into a deep sleep faster than any other product available out there.

The pillow has won awards with certifications by ISO, EU Ecolabel, and USDA. The structural design of Kanuda has a built-in self-cooling tech to help you sleep on the hottest nights. Plus, the material used is 100% waterproof that improves the overall hygiene of your bedtime routine.


If you are a person who is always complaining about getting deep sleep, or any sleep at all, Try Kanuda Pillows today. Deep sleep is vital for your physical and mental health, especially when you have to be ready for another day of hard work the following day.

Get a Kanuda Pillow today, and you will start noticing the improvement in your sleep quality in no time.

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