What is the Correct Sleeping Posture? - Kanudausa
Kanuda Restful News

The Right Pillow for Correct Sleeping Posture

Most people are not aware of the correct sleeping posture and its importance. This might come as a surprise to you, but your wellbeing is not just about getting 8 hours of sleep! Rather, your sleeping posture plays a role as well. 

Did you know that your ligaments and muscles in your back heal and relax while you sleep? Therefore, in order to ensure your physical wellbeing and back, you must adopt the correct sleeping posture. 

Before we look at the correct posture, let us look at different sleeping positions and how you can correct them for better sleep. 

4 Sleeping Positions

Sleep plays a vital role in our lives and not getting enough sleep can manifest in all sorts of physical and mental illnesses. Therefore, if you are struggling to get a decent sleep, it might be due to the sleeping position. 

Different sleeping positions come with different benefits. If you are suffering from an injury or pain, you may want to switch your sleeping position to manage your condition better. That said, do not expect overnight wonders as it may take you some time to adopt the correct sleeping posture. 

The Fetal 

The fetal posture is probably one of the most popular and common sleeping postures. This position comes with various benefits, such as 

However, you must ensure to sleep in a relatively loose posture, especially if you have problems with joints stiffness and pain. To make the fetal posture more comfortable, it is best for you to loosen up your body and relax as you curl up. You can keep your legs in an extended formation and place a pillow between your knees may help. 

The Side

If you prefer sleeping on your left side, the side posture is actually a pretty good sleeping position. Sleeping on your side comes with several health benefits, including. 

  • It is excellent for digestion
  • It may even reduce heartburn 
  • It reduces snoring

However, this position is not always good as it can cause shoulder stiffness and may lead to jaw tightness on the side you sleep. That said, if you are comfortable sleeping in this posture, you may want to place a pillow between the lower legs to enable better hip alignment. This will be pretty useful to avoid any lower back pain. 

Lying on the Stomach

As much sleeping on the stomach is suitable for people with sleep apnea and heavy snoring problems, the benefits do not go any further than that. Therefore, this is probably the least recommended when it comes to the correct sleeping posture. 

However, if you do sleep on your belly, it would be best to place a pillow under the lower part of your belly to reduce the chances of any back pain. 

Flat on the Back

This one is probably the most correct sleeping position with several health benefits, such as

  • it protects your spine
  • it helps relieve knee and hip pain
  • It uses gravity to align your entire body over the spine as you sleep. This can help reduce unnecessary pressure on the joints and back. 

However, it is not the best sleeping posture for people suffering from snoring and back pain issues. 

The Correct Sleeping Posture

Irrespective of what sleeping position you sleep in, always try to keep your shoulders, ears, and hips aligned as you go to bed. Of course, you cannot control much of it while you sleep, but the following tips can help you almost maintain this balance effectively while you visit the dreamland. 

  • In case you like to sleep on your back, take a small pillow and place it under your knees. This will reduce any stress on the spine and also support the natural curve in the lower back. Moreover, the head pillow must be a good one to support the natural curve of your head, neck, and shoulders. 
  • Sleeping on the stomach is stressful for your back because it stretches your spine out of its position. Therefore, you must use a flat pillow under your lower belly and pelvic region for better spine alignment.  Moreover, use a head pillow that is flat, or you can actually sleep without one. 
  • If you love to sleep on your side, place a pillow between the knees. This will prevent your upper leg from forcing the spine out of its natural alignment, helping reduce stress on your lower back and hips. You can also pull the knees a little bit toward your chest and make sure that the head pillow keeps your spine straight. You can use a small pillow or a rolled towel under the waist to support your spine.

Some other tips for all sleeping positions are: 

  • It would be best to insert pillows into any gaps between the mattress and your body. 
  • When turning in your bed, do not bend or twist at your waist. The best way is to move the entire body as a single unit. 
  • Keep your belly tightened and pulled in, and do not forget to bend the knees towards the chest as you roll. 

The Right Pillow is a Must for Correct Sleeping Posture

Pillows are not just something to rest your head on as you doze off. In fact, they can play a vital role in the quality of your sleep by keeping your head, neck, shoulder, spine, and lower back in perfect alignment. 

A good pillow should work on orthopedic rules to support the natural curve of your spine and neck while supporting your head. Therefore you must choose a pillow that can maintain the alignment of your body as you sleep. 

Moreover, a perfect pillow would be the one that can adapt to your sleeping position. This is where Kanuda Orthopedic pillows excel over any other sleeping tech available out there. You will start noticing the difference in your sleep quality right away, and the sleep-associated health benefits will follow. 

The best part is that, unlike regular pillows that you have to change every year, this one offers longer sleeping hours for years to come. So, if you are someone suffering from any chronic neck, spinal, and lower back aches and pains and looking for the right sleep tech - Get Kanuda today!


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